Characterization of the drying operation of nancite (byrsonima crassifolia)
nanche, dehydration, chemical composition, tropical fruitAbstract
Nancite (Byrsonima crassifolia) is a perishable tropical fruit and its harvest period occurs at the beginning of winter (month of May) in the countries of Central America. The fruits are usually consumed raw, in soft drinks, jellies, syrups or jams, as a flavoring for ice cream and as a raw material for artisanal food. However, it is necessary to continue promoting more value-added alternatives for this product. In this sense, previous studies suggest that fresh nancite pulp contributes 66 kcal per 100 grams and has a dry matter content between 20 and 25 %, which can be used in its agro-industrialization as a dehydrated product. Therefore, in this research, the nancite pulp drying process was studied in terms of the impact of temperature on the drying rates and on the color of the final product. Through the proximal analysis of the edible part of the nancite (pulp) a moisture content of 78.80 ± 0.32% (on a wet basis) was determined and on a dry basis a carbohydrate content of 78.67 ± 0.53 and an ether extract of 16.60 ± 0.27% were determined. The drying experiments of this material were carried out in a tunnel dryer using dry air with a speed of 2 m/s at temperatures of 60 °C, 70 °C and 80 °C. The results suggest that moisture content and drying time decrease as the operating temperature increases, however, at 60 °C the dry product presents the least browning, so this drying temperature could be recommended in processes in which that a pale yellow dry pulp is required.
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