Determination of energy efficiency of adobe improved fire in communities of the Sebaco municipality and municipality of Matagalpa


  • Alba Veranay Díaz Corrales Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
  • Alejandro Manuel Pérez López Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
  • Engels Noxoly Zeledón Sobalvarro Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería


Improved cooker, Traditional stove, Energy efficiency


The research was financially supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and was developed within the framework of collaboration between the Zompopo Collective Association, the National University of Engineering Northern Regional Headquarters and the University of the Basque Country-Spain And aimed to determine the energy efficiency of two designs of improved adobe stove as well as traditional stoves. The study consisted of two phases for data collection, the first data collection was performed in the first design of stove (from now on improved stove type 1) in communities of Sébaco and the second collection was made in the second design of Stove (from now on improved stove type 2) in communities of Matagalpa. The variables that allowed to determine the energy efficiency of the stoves were the grams of fuel used to cook 1 pound of rice and the cooking time. By means of the test of variance it was possible to verify the significant differences of the variables specific fuel consumption and cooking time in which it was obtained that the two types of improved stove present significant differences with the traditional stove in terms of specific consumption of fuel and in terms Of cooking time the type 1 cooker differs from the type 2 cooker and the traditional cooker. In the same way the incidence in the energy efficiency of the type 1 stove was determined with the variation of the measurement of the chimney of this, where it was concluded that the specific consumption of fuel does not depend on the height of the chimney of the stove.


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Author Biography

Alba Veranay Díaz Corrales, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería

Es Ingeniero Químico, especialista en Didácticas de las Ingenierías y Arquitectura. Experiencia en Formulación y Ejecución de Proyectos de Investigación. Participación como expositora en foros y congresos a nivel nacional e internacional. Coautor de Atlas de cafés especiales de Nicaragua, Manual Técnico “Beneficio, Calidad y Denominación de Origen y publicación de artículos científicos en la revista científica de la UNI-Norte “El Higo”. Docente e investigadora en la temática Denominación de Origen. Asesora en la aplicación de herramientas TGP. Tutora de tesis monográficas.



How to Cite

Díaz Corrales, A. V., Pérez López, A. M., & Zeledón Sobalvarro, E. N. (2016). Determination of energy efficiency of adobe improved fire in communities of the Sebaco municipality and municipality of Matagalpa. Journal of Science and Technology El Higo, 6(1), 14–20. Retrieved from



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