Prefeasibility of a corn liquor processing plant in Condega, Esteli Nicaragua
Profitability, added value, alcoholic beverages, corn, feasibilityAbstract
The research consisted of determining the prefeasibility for the creation of a Corn Liquor processing plant on a small business scale in the municipality of Condega, department of Estelí to enter the market, through the production of finished goods of greater economic value and the generation of benefits. For this, five studies were carried out, where various techniques and procedures were used to verify the viability of the project. Initially, a situational diagnosis was carried out using the logical framework methodology that allowed the identification of the problematic situation and alternative solutions. Subsequently, a market study was carried out obtaining the segment and the unsatisfied demand, for which the project covers 10%. The production is made up of two products: 73% Extra Lite Transparent Liqueur and 27% Dark Red Liqueur. The location was oriented towards the raw material, which is found in the municipality of Condega, department of Estelí; The size of the project was determined from unmet demand, direct labor, raw materials and technologies. The project engineering, organizational and legal aspects were established. The environmental part was addressed from the perspective of resilience, mitigation of possible negative impacts. The income, costs and investment were determined, which allowed, based on the cash flow and the opportunity cost, the calculation of the financial indicators, obtaining that the option with financing is the most feasible, giving a NPV of C$ 2,940,370.80, IRR of 29.18% and RBC of C$ 1.26. Additionally, a one-dimensional sensitivity analysis was carried out based on the ceteris paribus criterion, where minimum prices, maximum costs and maximum investment that the project can support were established. As well as a two-dimensional analysis where the behavior of the NPV was evaluated when making changes in the price-cost variables. Based on the results obtained, it is concluded that the creation of the Corn Liquor processing plant is viable.
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