Assessment of the consumption and knowledge of the benefits of functional beverages by students of the Higher Polytechnic Agricultural School of Manabí Manuel Félix López, Ecuador




Nutritional, quality, safety, assurance


Functional foods are constantly evolving in the industry, focusing on improving quality of life from a health perspective. This study evaluated the consumption and knowledge of functional beverages among students at the Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí, Ecuador, to understand their level of knowledge, consumption, and perception of these benefits. Using a quantitative and deductive approach, a semi-structured questionnaire was administered via Google Forms to a sample of 953 students across eight programs, utilizing non-probability sampling and descriptive statistics for analysis. The results indicate that a lack of knowledge about functional foods is directly related to low consumption. In Agroindustry, Veterinary Medicine, and Tourism, 28%, 64%, and 60% of students, respectively, are unaware of the benefits, which corresponds to low consumption rates of 27%, 65%, and 60%. The response variability does not exceed 2%, suggesting a significant relationship between knowledge and consumption. Additionally, 90% of students support nutritional labeling, which influences their purchasing decisions. The low consumption of functional beverages is mainly due to a lack of awareness about their benefits and available options. Encouraging their consumption among university students involves improving information on dietary benefits, implementing nutritional labeling, promoting consumption, and diversifying product offerings within the university environment.


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Author Biographies

Luis Alberto Ortega Arcia , Higher Polytechnic Agricultural School of Manabí Manuel Félix López, Calceta, Ecuador

He is a Commercial Engineer, with a “Doctorate in Accounting and Business Sciences”. Researcher and University Professor at the Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López in the city of Calceta - Ecuador for more than 20 years.

José Fernando Zambrano Ruedas , Higher Polytechnic Agricultural School of Manabí Manuel Félix López, Calceta, Ecuador

He is an Agroindustrial Engineer with a Master's Degree in “Food Processing”, Researcher and University Professor at the Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López in the city of Calceta - Ecuador for more than 10 years.

Alfonso Tomas Loor Vera , Higher Polytechnic Agricultural School of Manabí Manuel Félix López, Calceta, Ecuador

He is a Computer Engineer, with a Master's Degree in Web Design. Researcher and University Professor at the Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López in the city of Calceta - Ecuador for more than 6 years.

Diana Carolina Cedeño Alcívar , Higher Polytechnic Agricultural School of Manabí Manuel Félix López, Calceta, Ecuador

Agroindustrial Engineer with a Master's Degree in Agroindustry and PhD in Product and Process Engineering of the Food Industry from the Faculty of Sciences Applied to Industry at the National University of Cuyo, Argentina. University Professor at the Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí Manuel Félix López in the city of Calceta - Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Ortega Arcia , L. A. ., Zambrano Ruedas , J. F. ., Loor Vera , A. T. ., & Cedeño Alcívar , D. C. . (2024). Assessment of the consumption and knowledge of the benefits of functional beverages by students of the Higher Polytechnic Agricultural School of Manabí Manuel Félix López, Ecuador . Journal of Science and Technology El Higo, 14(2), 02–19.



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