Forms of expression of urban segregation in the city Managua


  • Brissa Suarez National University of Engineering
  • Néstor López National University of Engineering



Urban segregation, urban – housing policies, segregation patterns, urban poverty, Managua


Segregation in the urban context has different forms of expression, and evidently this phenomenon is present in most of the Latin American cities. In the case of the Nicaraguan cities this theme is being studied since 2010; one of the first approaches was given in 2013 with the thesis Urban Segregation in Managua to qualify for the degree of Sociologist at the Universidad Centroamericana UCA; later in 2015 is published the Research Notebook No. 30 about the Socioresidential segregation in the city of Managua, by UCA Publications. This article completes part of this line of research that aims to consolidate a more comprehensive and comprehensive study on this subject.

This effort arises from the concern that, in the last decades, Managua has been experiencing a series of urban changes that have moved the action of urban - housing policies and the real estate market as a private agent, to the urban space. The current tendencies of urban development show a close relationship between these policies and phenomena such as the segregation and its different expressions. Many of these expressions start from the analysis of the social division of space and the importance of
understanding the urban and historical evolution of the city of Managua and its relation with the socio-territorial, sociospatial, socio-economic and socioresidential segregation, seen as a set of expressions being reflected in different ways into the reality of the city and its inhabitants. The patterns of segregation should also be explored in relation to theoretical, methodological and referential models that explain this phenomenon in Latin American cities, in order to find their relationship with this study in the city of Managua.

As a final point, is reflected in the effects of segregation, on its different forms of expression; Socio-territorial, socio-spatial, socio-economic and socio-residential for the city of Managua and its inhabitants because these current tendencies of social differentiation in urban realities are often typified as segregation. It is important to understand the different forms of urban segregation in the city of Managua.


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How to Cite

Suarez, B., & López, N. (2016). Forms of expression of urban segregation in the city Managua. Arquitectura +, 1(2), 53–71.


