Development of method of preparation of plantain tostones (MUSA PARADISIACA L.) Through escalding and immersion in brine


  • Mariliana Videa Bustillo Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería


Frozen pre fried tostones, vacuum packaging, organoleptic properties, chemical physical compounds, sensory analysis


The research consisted selecting a processing method for green plantain tostones, which is reachable for a small company, the methods tested were: blanching, 5% brine immersion and 5% brine, before the pre-fried, with the objective to preserve quality. Of the organoleptic characteristics of frozen tostones and vacuum packed. To select the best preparation method for the tostones, the raw material was characterized, selecting plantain in state of maturation 3, with a day of harvest, of the variety Horn Dwarf, with the physical and chemical characteristics (acidity, ° Brix, humidity , size and firmness) suitable for the preparation of tostones of organoleptic quality. The experiments were prepared with the three preparation methods and it was determined, by sensory analysis, that the dipping in brine and the brine scalding have better organoleptic characteristics, therefore, both preparations were subjected to vacuum freezing, to be compared with the fresh product in the final sensory evaluation. In the last sensory evaluation, the selected preparation methods were compared with samples of fresh tostones, and the panelists preferred the tostones prepared with the proposed methods and those that were in freezing, before the freshly prepared tostones. The performance of the methods dipping in brine and brine scalding was calculated, which resulted in 38.8% and 35.6% respectively. Selecting the method of preparation of dipping in brine for 90 minutes, as the one that allows to preserve the organoleptic quality of frozen pre-fried tostones and vacuum packed, calculating a cost per toston of C $ 1.59.


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Author Biography

Mariliana Videa Bustillo, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería

Ingeniera Agroindustrial, con maestría en Procesamiento de Alimentos. Diplomado en Gestión Transdisciplinar del conocimiento. Docente e investigadora en temáticas relacionadas al procesamiento de alimentos, tutora de tesis monográficas para las carreras de ingeniería agroindustrial e ingeniería industrial.



How to Cite

Videa Bustillo, M. (2018). Development of method of preparation of plantain tostones (MUSA PARADISIACA L.) Through escalding and immersion in brine. Journal of Science and Technology El Higo, 8(1), 22–32. Retrieved from



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