Structural, Non-Structural and Functional Vulnerability Index of Tourist Use Buildings before Earthquakes and Tsunamis



Risk Management, Tourism, Structural vulnerability, Non-Structural vulnerability, Funcional vulnerability, Vulnerability Index


In this article we show the methodology named Structural, Non-Structural and Functional Vulnerability Index of Tourist Use Buildings in Sismic and Tsunami, designed in the framework of the regional project DIPECHO XII, by commission of the National Bureau of Risk Management-Nicaragua (MNGR), in alliance with the National University of Engineering (UNI) and the National Chamber of Tourism (CANATUR). Simplified, the Tourism Vulnerability Index to Tsunamis and Earthquakes (IVT) has been designed as the average of three Sub Indices: Functional Vulnerability (SiVF), Structural Vulnerability (SiVE) and Non-Structural Vulnerability (SiVNE), using as Histogram calculation tool to evaluate the 3 types of Vulnerability, which are organized into components and subcomponents to which a Weighted Evaluation is applied, which is the result of the product of an assigned Scale or degree of vulnerability (Low, Medium or High) for a Weight of Importance established by experts in the field who were consulted. Finally, the values resulting from the Weighted Evaluation of the functional, structural and non-structural components are compared with a range of contrast that allows to define the levels of Vulnerability: Low, Medium and High.


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Author Biographies

Erasmo José Aguilar, National University of Engineering, Nicaragua

Arquitecto. Máster en Evaluación de Riesgos y Reducción de Desastres por el Instituto de Geología y Geofísica (IGG -CIGEO) de la UNAN-Managua. Investigador acreditado de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería. Editor fundador de la Revista “Arquitectura +”. Profesor Titular de la Facultad de Arquitectura.

Benjamín Rosales Rivera, National University of Engineering, Nicaragua

Architect. Master in Environment and Territorial Urban Development. Specialization in Social Housing and Quality of Life. Diploma in Architecture and Development from the Universidad Mayor de San Simón, Cochabamba, Bolivia. He was Research Director of the National Engineering University for eight years. He has more than 25 years of experience in undergraduate and postgraduate university teaching. Professor of the Faculty of Architecture.



How to Cite

Aguilar, E. J., & Rosales Rivera, B. (2019). Structural, Non-Structural and Functional Vulnerability Index of Tourist Use Buildings before Earthquakes and Tsunamis. Arquitectura +, 4(8), 19–36. Retrieved from




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