Triad of Art Deco expressions in the city of La Paz-Bolivia
Architecture, Art-Deco, Club-de-La-Paz, Style, ZeitgeistAbstract
Art Deco is a complex style because it has many manifestations and variations in the world, and because it is poorly described when referring to it, a generality about the style is encouraged, and in the end this fact implies confusion. Consequently, it is important to study it from its manifestation and the variations in relation to its appearance. The Art Deco style has had an important influence within world architecture, not only because of the visual characteristics that it shows or because of the historical moment where it appeared, but also because of its possibility of adapting to the space where it was manifested, being able to absorb different cultures. or forms of decoration without its finish deviating from the style. Therefore, it has been chosen to analyze constructions that have a categorization of heritage assets within the territory of the city of La Paz-Bolivia, which places this article in a qualitative approach, and then, methodologically speaking; search for sufficient general bibliographic information regarding the style, its characteristics and then how the variants have been cataloged by different renowned authors from the Bolivian territory. Subsequently, this knowledge allows us to determine the particularities in comparison with interviews carried out with specialists, which accentuated the choice of the 3 most representative buildings of the territory of La Paz for analysis due to the differences in façade finish that these works present, where one of these works architectural design is chosen to generate a compositional, spatial-functional and ornamental finishing analysis, this specific choice of the last building is particular with respect to its building typology and the very finishing of the architecture show a different form of Art Deco, which can even generate a new variant of style manifestation.
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